remix if youre not a pussy

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2 -
3 Joe let the intrusive thoughts win.
0 I'm setting this as my ringtone
0 He accidentally closed one of his tabs
0 LMFAO, love it XD
0 hehe. LMFAO
0 I'ma remix this
3 this happened to my buddy keith once. we now call him keith the tab closer. he doesn't like it and he cries a lot
1 This poor soul accidentally closed one of his tabs, and now it's going to his head.
0 I love this song
0 this goes hard
1 the "ahs" sound like an effect that was on "penis inspection day" by salad fingers
0 did you accidentally open a new tab or close them i cant tell?
[a comment downvoted by multiple users] 0 t-t-t-t-t-t timmah?