Jetdarc's 1.5k Follower Remix Comp Results


Please read this: A disclaimer for all of my remix competitions


Hello guys, i'm back at it with another remix comp! I know I said that 1000 would be my last remix comp, but I decided to just keep going because you guys seem to enjoy participating :) Now, once again, thank you all for getting me to 1.5k followers!! I'm actually surprised that i've gotten even this far, but here I am I guess LOL. Also, i'm running out of ideas for prizes so all I can really offer is money unless you guys have some suggestions.



1|Your remix MUST NOT sound identical to the original. It can sound similar, as long as its not too similar (ex: ONLY adding drums and changing the pitch, stuff like that is discouraged). I encourage you to put your own spin on it. I only added an extra pad, bass, and kick to show an example of what ideas are possible using this melody.

2|You must use the Melody in a recognizable way, nothing else in the provided draft is required.

3|Any genre, title, or cover is allowed.

4|Collaborations will be allowed this time around, but if you happen to win, it will be up to the collaborators to split the prize(s).

5|You may only republish BEFORE the remix comp ends and AFTER the results have been decided.



1st: $25, Collab, 1 thing u want (we'll see how this goes lol)


2nd: $10


3rd: $5



4/4/2020 @5pm EST


Results will be presented sometime this Monday.

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  • run it back

  • casually waiting for the day you release a 3k remix comp lmao

  • Snowfire 3.0

  • the melodies on this are amazing man

  • I'm glad I was able to participate in this. Congrats to all of those who placed but I also can't wait for the next event. Great work to everyone who participated!

    • it's three synths, I don't think it would be that big of a problem even for the most technologically limited of users.

    2 more
  • i'm also probably gonna use this pad sometime in the future

  • Alright guys, No more entries and no more repubublishing. I'm 2 hours late but the remix comp is now closed! There are a lot of entries this time, so to make sure I don't rush the results, I ask that you give me until this Monday to present the results. Thank you for your participation, and see ya monday :D

  • Results should be in soon

  • r e s u l t d a y

  • Dayum tomorrow be dat day

  • huh just saw this XD

    • rip

      it's already been extended like three times so


  • aight guys, @3ZE and @johann asked me to extend, so the final deadline is going to be 4/4/2020 (2 weeks to be generous)

    • *Extend to year 2027* :eyes:

    • i guess the only option is to collapse our plane of existence with one where there are sufficient deadline extensions to create a good track

    • none, this is the final final deadline forever in all existence

    11 more
  • i made a remix and i got randomly inspired and im pretty sure theres legit 0 elements of the original song in it but i might publish anyways