Can someone please help me get the tone and stuff down, I think I'm close to replicating the Skrillex growl but I just don't know what else I can do to get the types of tones his growl has. If anyone hears what I'm missing please tell me or remix this and post as remixable so I can see what was done differently.

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  • honestly this is really good. plus im not the right person to be asking actually

    • issue is idk if hes active that much on at anymore

    • the growls that i made are based on what client has shown me, and he is able to make growls 10x better than mine on a much more consistent basis

  • Imma have to figure out how to get rid of the saturated sound in the growl or whatever you want to call it.

  • Republished

    Added a different attempt. I'm closer this time than the other but also missing something.

  • actually this is so much better than mine wtf

    • I've spent soooooooooo much time trying to get this to sound right T_T

  • How do I get that initial vowel in his growl?