
1st sound: Square wave with no effect (Except 3 ott replicas).

2nd sound: Square with Default preset on Pulsar-delay.

3rd sound: All sync knobs turned down to 0/1 (The Orange knobs) - Shouldn't have any effect.

4th sound: Main Mills (Milliseconds) being automated from 0 to 5 mills.

5th sound: mills automation from 5 - 10 mills.

6th sound: mills automation from 10 - 15 mills

7th sound: mills automation from 15 - 20 mills


And now we have a metallic sound!

You can also mess with the Feedback knob to choose how long your feedback (delay) will last for.


You can also mess with the Left and Right mills for a more stereo width, But I'd edit them ever so slightly, otherwise you'll get a really ugly sound. Unless you're snio ofc, cause he can make any ugly sound pretty lol.

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  • i just love how everyone's listen is off

  • nice demo or something? idk what going on here

  • nice demo! might be a little easier to tell exactly how the comb is affecting the sound without the otts, but who cares lol it sounds cool

    • ya crazy stuff

    • also holy crap you can see the comb itself :O

    • it like wouldn't let me lmao

    4 more
  • great demo!