death (metal) bed

haha I'm so funny

cover art is from start again: a prologue

I think the demo for the non-prologue version is out now

but that doesn't matter what matters is the track


listen to it

please and thank you

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  • guys I finally beat the game the other week it was cool 👍

    the full version is called "in stars and time" I'm pretty sure

    I can't remember if it was free but it was really good so you should play it anyway

    • during the ending I kept thinking something bad was gonna happen but nothing bad happened so the ending was a little ruined by my constant stress so there's that I guess

  • This is really creative dude. with a little bit of mixing, I think this track could be a banger!

    • Yeah, when you pound yourself with a hammer after having suicidal thoughts thanks to death metal

  • damn I took an L with this one

  • Needs more distortion fs.

  • Republished

    added a little bit before the end part