Hoping I fixed the tonality thing but if I didn't then this song will just suffer

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  • This was maybe the height of my career

  • Nice track but something sounds off at 0:51

    Maybe a note there is out of key or something (if it's intentional, then it sounds out of place)

    • I doubt it but that's okay because it's something to keep in mind when moving forward

    • Were you able to find it?

    • Hm lemme try and see what it is that needs fixing

  • Nice stuff, there are some parts that sound out of key like Xypher pointed out but overall sounds amazing, great work.

    • Thank you !!! I'll look into it and see if it's the chords that's the problem

    • Those are the only parts really that come around and sound a little strange, it's still great tho

    • Idk maybe it's just me lol

    3 more
  • Might change the cover to some art teehee