This is my entry to Jetdarc's 600 Follower Remix Comp [Closed/Results] I had a BLAST making this. Finally I've been able to join one of his remix competitions and actually finish a remix.


Kudos to you Jetdarc for making it to 600 followers! You're growing rapidly and I hope you keep growing.


Good sportsmanship & Good luck to all that participate in this Remix Competition.

Here's my remix, enjoy. :)


~ PS: I haven't used the Rasselbock in a very long time... Just thought I'd throw that out there...

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  • Mix is really clean, man! I'm pretty impressed. That sidechain is hot. I'd work on sound design more. EQing as well. The lead gets pretty drowned out, and the bassline doesn't always follow the chord progressions.

    • Thanks June! I'm glad you've come around again to take a peek at my stuff! I'm definitely trying to find my sound design. The lead is not really supposed to be a lead but a topper for the chords. It shouldn't be too loud, but loud enough to go on top of the chords & mix with it. Is the bassline offkey or hard to listen to?

  • muy bien

  • Congrats, you deserve those $10 :)

    2 more
  • #8 on FB charts! Lets get it! :D

  • Oh, you've charted :D

  • holy smokes, audiotool is so underrated great job dude. #letsmakeaudiotoolwellknown

  • Elements and arrangement are really on point, but I would agree with @etterath it could use some better mixing. If it's too laggy, you could try doing it deaf and using just the visuals.

    Pretty solid though keep it up!

    • Thanks Apollo, I love your feedback. I've done deaf before, and it hasn't been very successful, since certain sounds could be quieter or louder than others but appear louder or quieter visually. If you could, since I can't really tell from listening, what parts of the song I could go back on to edit? It'd be very helpful. :)

      I'll try my best to work on them.

  • Congratulations on the most popular remix of the original!

    The message in not only the track but the bio is so inspirational

  • this bops

  • could use better mixing

    mainly on the drums

    • Well, mixing isn't my specialty, plus it was laggy, so... *shrugs*

  • Republished

    forgot to unmute the two audiotracks... *facepalm*

  • Republished

    Changed lead in the second half of the drop to lower repetition, raised drum level at 00:26 by 0.80 decibels, and decreased the amount of sidechain in the "trap" ending. :)

  • I'm dead

    • Not quite, haha. I was able to use the first two chords, but the last two I had to change for the sake of my song. As for the melody, I pretty much used the melody completely, but added to it. I try to follow all rules as they add for the basis points of the entry. We'll know when the deadline hits. :)

    • Yea, I think that you will win just for that

    • The same chord progression & melody as the original?

    1 more
  • how foolish of me to think i had a chance in this competition lmao

    1 more
  • Republished
