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  • new trap kid leader??

    5 more
  • i dont see how a sample and 2 synths charts

  • damn

  • dang 64 yu did snap

  • monthly charts

  • My second beat with 1k

  • Крутоо

  • Niice

  • 1000th view

  • This charts and the only people who like the shit is the same kids who make the same shit.

    • @heliotrope ight

      I normally dont use samples. I can make my own shit like everybody else. don't believe me,check my recents.

    • Enjoy the clout man , you putting on for your sound , and I find that exemplary cuzzo.

      I would try to hone in on your craft to steer away from the stigma of AT trap , you’ll get there tho..

      Believe in you whole heartily.

    • I ain’t even hating bro , keep doing your thang.

      I’m just pointing out the facts Lil brah, fact is that all of you sound the same or similar in a way. Not saying you ain’t got talent or something ..I don’t care about the charts I just find it funny people start tripping when y’all chart. You do you like you been doing , famo.

    6 more
  • this shit charts but my shit dont smh

    • thanks dad <3

    • sorry bro one day you'll be boppin on the charts



  • Man the comments on here haha "this charts and mine dosnt" "why is this charting"

  • Why is this charting