*vhs static*


had to remix this melody, but without the limitations; just so many ideas, but i mostly just extended it and added some new sounds.


i even edited the cover for this one

check 1:47


original: the taking of 1, 2, 3 tonematrix


the tape of- (entropy) ensnares us all

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  • Nice one bro this is cool! if you haven't already try to look into different time signatures for melodys. I think a 3/4 drum pattern would also suit this track :) You've got the right idea with your notes. what goes up in pitch must come down again to give that listening satisifaction.

    • thanks for the advice!

      yeah i definitely need to try a different time signature, I tried it a couple times in the past, but never took it anywhere

      I'll actually commit to it next time eh?

  • Republished

    huge changes everywhere




  • Love these arps, sounds like C418

  • Republished


  • why doesn't it show as a remix goddamit

    • thanks for clearing that up! :D

    • If the page reloads or exits its original state once remixed but not saved, it will do that.

    • oh

    2 more
  • damn blud this a bump

  • sounds epiiccc!!!