refav <3

earthquakes split
the faults of time:
clocked in loneliness
alone is mine
not to keep
but simply to draw close
to the giver of life
not the game
like deer im frozen
headlights, stray
the luminescence of love
when love comes
my loneliness melts away
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1 -
0 wow fantastic
0 thank you!
1 Beautiful!
2 and this is why I love you and your music.
0 I love those kicks
1 that's interesting, i make music best after a good day.
5 I don't make music when I'm happy
0 I never had any
0 Can't get much happier than that
0 How about meeting someone the first time and being really happy and there's pretty lights and you're dancing and stuff
0 Yeah I think this was supposed to be happy
0 must have listened to this in reverse...
0 <3..
1 So good!!!