This is definitely a beautiful track. Such vibes, much wow.

i had this really bad headache earlier so i took some tylenol and now im good. also this is a rough draft.
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0 -
0 god i love this so much fr
0 Sick af tho
0 Joke's on you, I don't have any friends
2 you should add a whereisalex lead type o thing over it like at 1:28 . you're really good with manipulating vocals btw imo
0 @CAVORT im feeling creative, ya feel?
0 this is $$$
0 @dai geez you guys are too nice <:)
0 Dam man you just pump out all these sick songs
0 There's that piano c;
0 rip headache
0 two ford songs in one day?!?!?! <3333
1 @dai u babe <3
1 my music isnt music anymore
this sooooooooooooo fucking awesome
the vocalchop and the drums ( as always ) are on fleek
1 omg