I think I inverse farted because I was holding it in trying to not let it out in public and then it sucked up my ass and I felt a bubble form in my stomach

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  • classic shitpost

  • burps and farts are just stomach air so if u push a fart thats ready to blossom back up u feel it bubbling. Also when people say 'fake burp' its not fake its simply induced - when you prepare for a fake burp you are just swallowing air, and as I discovered around a month ago, you can master the induced burp by controlling your oesophagus to stay open for longer whilst you swallow air, which allows for greater volumes of air in your stomach, therefore producing greater induced burps. The problem

    • I hope you appreciate this information and I hope that it helps you in future.

    • with this technique is that if you do not burp after swallowing said air, the large volume of air begins to travel down your intestines and makes for some extremely painful 'trapped wind'.

    1 more
  • and you call my songs shit? this is fuck ass

  • lmfao

  • is this how it feels to eat xytal-laced pizza

  • my isnt this showing up as a remix