this track could ride so nice if it was extended

i don't remember making this but the beat's kinda hot so here ya go
this is like, 9 months old lmaooo poor draft got left behind
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0 someone need to remix n put a hevy ass bass drop I feel like it need a whole 2 more minutes
1 This a lovely chilled tune. good job!
1 hott
1 Actually, this makes me want to do another challenge.
2 Wow
Your synths have always been A1
1 yo the chords are hot
1 Nice voice Opi! I can tell you put a lot of practice into that.
2 saving that nionsomnia sample for sure
3 the synths sound like they're coming from speakers in a room with good acoustics haha
1 Holy shit
5 opi, this is tight as fuck. Good job <3
1 love this, could have it on loop for daaaays
1 What's the challenge supposed to be?
1 eyy this is lit