Unsure of what such a place felt like.

In the absence of who the mighty may want.

Morals start to die out,

these crimes why are they not said out loud?

Crowds upon crowds, yet I see no crowns.

I denounce this humanity and I will show my individuality,

because this is all me no one can stop me.

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  • I love this

    • I can do better now, so just you wait! >:)

    • Aww thanks! I just played around with a few things, but I didn’t expect people to like it very much!! I’m glad people do, including you! <3

    • I don't know how you evoked different emotions but the way you did it made me feel at ease and then it got a lot more creepy

  • Maybe you could do a couple of one shots of different notes and play them all through a maschinste if you're not ready to do some full out vocals. You could just write it a 4 note melody on the pulv and record yourself doing each note as a "ah" or "oh" then peogram it. That would also give you a lot if control over the pitch and tone of your voice

    • 1. SWDAF(*VEJDIASVBIGFKWEOIDVSWFEPDNEWIDSOVPJzgrkjbhdfsjdfsjodvkefdm,b;trdfkldfkj;lgetwkmlgfjpogbwdkpo One of the big leagues are on my song giving me advice!! AHHHHHHHH >w<


      Okay! That sounds good with me and I think I'll try doing that with some of my upcoming songs! Thank you for giving me advice! It means so much to me and it helps me become a better artist more and more!

  • brain massage.

  • gotta love dissonance!

  • #6?! Wow!! 🥳🥺

  • what is this? sounds kinda weird in my opinion

    • It is a song of course! What else would it be?

      What makes you think its weird? I would love to hear your feedback on the song I made!

  • Reminds me a bit of Omori. Very well done. Wish it was more fleshed out. Ambient psychological horrorscapes are something rarely done well. You're on to something. Try experimenting a little more with the many many tools Audiotool provides. Slap one more pedal on there and see what it does. Sometimes, the results may surprise you.

    • Ive never heard of "omori", but I'll for sure check that out! :>

    • THANK YOU SO MUCHH!! Calling one of my tracks an "ambient psychological horrorscapes" is such an honor and I appreciate it so much! <33

      Honestly I didnt really make this track with any plan.. I just started adding random devices to the track and ended up with this! I mixed it a little and decided to use my vocals a little bit! I will for sure work on experimenting more and seeing what all these tools can do! I will try and get better! Thank you again!! :)

    • :OO

  • From pretty, to unsettling and ominous. So cool

  • Hmmm.. I feel like the transition could use some work.. :/

  • This track is inspired by feeling like someone does not know what a home feels like due to people in this world being so cruel, and overcoming it.