Lowered the velocity on the bass notes of the chord stab. Cleaned up the reverb+delay send so there's more room in the mix. Also gave the percussion more saturation. The mix should sound less crowded now.
Feeeeedback because you want one XD, apologies for my broken english :
I like it, it's powerful, but i would maybe add more percs to the drums because the kicks and snare sounds a bit alone, globally a more varied rythm should be great
Maybe a sidechain effect for the bass could be good, it should be louder exept when the kick hit, but i think that's my personnal opinion :)
However, i guess it's not finished so maybe you were going to do that anyway
basically I turn the bitrate to 24 and that compresses the audio, and makes it a clean mastering tool. the limiter doesn't show the red icon because it fixes that