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  • You're smashing that limiter way too hard.

    Kick just sounds like a click - the thump is completely lost during the louder sections as the bass/lead just drowns it out.

    Properly mixing the instruments/drums together will help, as will sidechain compression on the instruments being triggered by the kick (could try using the snare as a trigger too).

    You probably need more distortion (tube, waveshaper..maybe even a touch of bitcrusher) on the leads to really get that rock sound too.

    • Everything is too loud and the limiter is having to work really hard.

      The waveform of the track looks like a solid white brick, right? Because there are absolutely no dynamics in it (because it's all trying to push past the limiter, which is then doing it's job and limiting the output at X dB)

    • Like do you mean that the instruments sounds covered up cause of the limiter?

    • Oh btw

      Uhh what do you mean that I'm smashing the limiter too hard?

    1 more
  • Sounds a bit weird. the leads (to me) don't sound really that intense.

    • But thats probably just me.

    • The bass also sounds a bit too loud.