so i finally decided to go all in on music and I'm finally signing up for college to actually study music. I'll be learning about music theory more in depth as well as refining my skill on actual instruments. I've been thinking about making this decision for about a year now since I started playing the drums and getting to play/perform music with other people. after learning about music theory and performing, I do hope to purse deeper academic knowledge on the production and recording of audio/music too, but I guess I'll deal with that once I get there. thank you to everyone who is still listening to these half baked ideas that i usually make in the middle of the night.

p.s I know it seemed like I'd quit music but, over the past year I've just been focusing on playing live music with & around other people to get a view from the perspective of live music & musicians. I've learned a lot but I may never be as active as I once was in the production of electronic music because I hope to explore many more genres and learn to traditionally record instruments with a mic rig rather than just draw out patterns and melodies for computer music.

again, thanks to everyone who's still here.

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