The diverse stories music holds share a brimming awareness of the mystery and sacredness and transience of individual lives.

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  • Take out the high-mids in the synths, and add more power to the percussion. The wubs are harsh, they need to be brighter, imo. So I would place an equalizer, and take out some of the frequencies. Good work!

  • I have listened to this so many times, its soooo good.

    • I’m sorry I wasn’t able to get on it before due to pc issues but now I will be on it as soon as possible :)

    • 20 plays later still waiting XD

    • Thank you, its not even done yet I honestly have no idea when we will finish it but Ill let you know if and when we do finish

  • Ok, this needs to be finished, I already like it! This is a beautiful track and everything flows well together loving the chords and the lead is beautiful even the arps are great, beat matches good to me and did I mention THIS NEEDS TO BE FINISHED like fr

  • The track isn't finished yet we just got it published so we can hear it because it was getting real laggy