Je suis d'accord avec Voᴉd, la production est très bonne mais le mixing et le mastering peut vraiment être amélioré. Ça peut sembler un peu difficile au début mais c'est comme quand tu apprends à marcher, les premiers pas sont les plus difficiles mais avec le temps sa devient naturel. Alors ne te décourage pas, reste honnête avec toi-même et surtout prends ton temps!
you should not try to make as many tracks as possible but make them as fun to listen to as posible, you seem to make one track after the other in a very short time but you should try to make less tracks but invest more time. When I was using my main accounts I sometimes worked 1-2 months on a new track...
The track is cool but you should work on your mixing, the drums are hidden in the background and everything sounds the same in the mix.
This track is very groovy and fun, but it's still lacking depth. It sounds flat. The drums are weak and lacking punch. There's hardly any support in the lower frequencies that I feel would really round out the song in a beneficial way.
Thank you for sharing this with me! I like it, but I don't love it. I wouldn't really want to listen to it again without adding some of those elements I mentioned previously.
P.S. You're obviously great at composing, but I think if you just took the amount of time you normally spend on a track, double it, and spend that extra time paying attention to the finer elements, you'd have a much better sounding track, and may even find yourself gaining more positive feedback :)