When I First Listened to This Track, It Sounded Like It Was At 120 Bpm Instead of 130 Bpm.

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Only samples in here are a drum loop made by myself, a sweep, some crash samples and a chiptune sample, I made some of this using Thor in Reason
Edit: Arp volume
Edit 2: Arp Voulume and small synth adjustments
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0 -
0 This may be 8 years ago bu this song still rocks!
0 swew
0 ikr
0 i like...
0 Woah.
0 God damn...
0 Amazing
0 nice! Dj
11 people are still faving this piece of shit xD
0 Voulume? Amazing though.
0 Where was I when this was first published?
0 nice
0 I stillllll love this song <3
0 why did u stop folowing me ?