this took me some time so any support is really appreciated fellas, whole lotta lag and love went into this which was fun but i really thought it was a blast doing something for this long.
This is awesome. And no offense but how is this any different than my non leaderboard music. Don’t take it the wrong way. And people don’t be mad. I just wanna know how to get popular
make the exchange of interests, start saying what you like about their music, listen to feedback on your own creations, build friendships you never thought you'd make and overall make sure you are always is always changing. It always has, so learn to adapt and be ready for downfalls it's never always black and white but keep producing
it was a different snare at first but that was ten times worse haha, i get you tho also the crushed synth was just an experiment to make it more full i'll probably reduce the level and frequency the next time i can