holy shit, not bad yourself, this is epic my guy
gotta be honest, most of this is proxima's work. I just messed with the bass at parts to make some weird FX and i might have done something with the drums way back when, but i'm not totally sure? -nav
probably the last publish of this little spree.
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0 -
1 -
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7 Lmao we all know nav got killeded dead lol
13 but what if nav not KILL!!!!!!
4 but isnt nav kill
0 -nav
2 and still sexy af ;) @proxima(desc if you care) <3
0 Oh my gosh
0 oh lol, didn't actually check that before! thanks
0 Omigud this is g000d.
0 following list @LAEVENT labs ⚡️ is everyone who's a part of it :)
0 i never knew prox was part of this