made this all tonight, late night always seems to be the time when I'm more emotive with music

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  • I still love this song. I often try to write something that captures the same emotion but I can never do it.

  • ugh i love this

  • this is some c418 shit

  • this is so lush wth

  • ur always amazing jfc

  • uhh this seriously needs more attention

  • I missed out on a lot :C

  • I really want to take this and make a Dnb mix out of it XD

    • So I made a really bad unfinished dnb version....

  • this really hits me in the feels, not to mention its underrated af. good job

  • mannnnnnnnnnn!

  • ofc u have a very simplistic setup here but I think that's making the lack of diversity of synths stand out too much. you got a lot of squarey harsh sounds building up, bringing down the emotional potential imo. just if stuff was softer &/ more sonically varied then this would feel more stronk

  • really nice composition work, love the dynamic nature of the chords/melodies

  • god this is so pretty

  • v nice chordal movements u have a v good ear for true harmonic progression. 1:35 the sudden loss of the chords seems a bit sudden for my taste. maybe u can fade them out or add something idk. fantastic work

  • aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa