Just a jam session. Working on layering chords and stuff.

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  • i still don't understand how to even future bass but i love it

  • This is awesome, I wanna learn how to make this!! So cool! TwT

  • Why is this still my second faved track xD

  • oh wow

    this is p good

    • okay :D

      gfu :D

      Thats good that you did that.

    • because I raised my expectations for myself since then lol

    • Litonix a few months ago: "YES IT CHARTED!"

      Mr. Royal comes a long: oh wow,this is p good.

      Litonix now: This is generic garbage tf XD

      Me: But a few months ago you were proud, like wtf

    1 more
  • Why is this so popular ;-;

  • This Deserves #1


  • Not my cup of tea but definitely well done. Looking forward to see you improve

  • Kibbey hits most of the crit points below.

    This would really benefit from some piano in a few spots and maybe some additional LFO variations.

    Solid work tho!

  • Chords are great

    • Many thanks <3 It was honestly a test for my sound design and mixing. (I did really enjoy the chords so I made this doodle)

  • Lots of points to make but over all a good quality track:

    The sound design is there

    I think as an actual track this is good

    It gets kinda repetitive fast with the chords

    I like the square lead brought in later

    Thinking in the grand scheme of things this is very generic

    • Thank you for your feedback :) I really do take it into consideration when I make new songs.

    • I agree. It's currently 2:50am and I just said screw it and threw it together really quick. Yeah I can see why you say it's generic. Although it is kinda new for me.