man, these were the days <3

legit song name is: glide
wow that was a quick two hundred. thank you guys for listening to my music. <3
may the best track win.
good luck! c:
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1 -
0 an oldie
1 Legit such good melodies here
1 Wtf i never faved it :o
0 no.
0 This is still one of my fav future bass tracks on this site <3
0 Hey, would you mind if i used this song in a school project? Just to play over a presentation. I will def give full cred.
0 as kavil said... dem melodies :O
0 when this overcomes as top song <333
0 refav cause this is life
3 LOL my new shit is way better than this shit
0 <3333
0 Forgot to fav oops <3
0 lol dis sucks so much