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y'all pussies need to shut it when you fucking the bpm automation, this is how you do it the extreme way y'all goes from 120 to 300 to like 1000 to 10000 back to 120 to 200 to 600 to 10000 so shut heck this is how you do it like this is the correct tribute for the landed chicken because he gonna change audiotool and you be saying i'm overestimating myself well shut i make this extreme stuff i am like one of the only people here who is allowed to give feedback to myself y'all pussies can't do that listen to the master which is me so here is the plan: you make smart use of bpm and make good music for the best and listen to me and call me a lord and then move towards the landed chicken @[MG42 GANG] LIL CHICKEN and bless him even more and tell him that he is a fucking legend that is the only reason he is here it is because he needs to, and will change audiotool. soon there will be some kind of police departement for people who shit on the bpm like imagine it a world with good music well i'm fucking on it man i swear this shit be crying stop crying baby pussy can't stand the high bpm well fuck off you need to accept the fact that the limit is not 300 anymore there are pussy about 170 go away and stop million times changing the bpm in a stupid way or uptempo producers putting bpm in the tile to be cool fuck off the chicken is here to save the world of audiotool whether you want it or not i don't fucking care make the shit right this is unnaceptable you think despacito was made to give a good excuse to crap on the bpm well you're wrong it was made to show wrong about the chicken chicken are good people the animal that we need for milk eggs cheese beer and high bpm without the chicken the bpm wouldn't go over 30 and all we can do is listen to mozart he abuses the bpm and don't freaking do it be a real man don't complain and just accept the bpm the way it is or shut up nobody wanted to see that anyway or stop being a pussy and say that i'm your master and that the chicken is even more of a master
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