Kicking off #SummerOfSingles2K19 with a remix I've been dying to do. This has been sitting in my drafts for the longest time and I was waiting until ROTEK was finished to focus on this. When I heard the original track, I just knew I had to make some Future Bass using those vocals. This was a ton of fun to do and big credits to @CIVILITY for making such a cool song!

Hope You Enjoy! ^-^

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  • Republished

    Updated Cover Art

  • saucy!!! liken it

  • Guys, brace yourself...

    I'm actually considering making a track that actually isn't Future Bass for once.

    I know, crazy right!? XD

  • @ 3:11 The 2nd drop melody change is probably the part I had the most fun with! ^-^

  • Nice one.

  • Downloads have been enabled everyone. Enjoy! ^-^

  • Republished

    Minor Edit

  • Republished

    -White Noise Boost Added

    -2nd Drop Melody Change Altered + Extended

    -Mixing Edits

    -Downloads Enabled

  • Also forgot to include a white noise boost. Will fix when I enable downloads.

  • The first part of the drop doesn't feel interesting tbh, but the 2nd one is really good man

    • That is a very interesting use of the vocals, good job! :)

    • Noted and thank you. I love the way I used the reversed vocal chops in the 2nd part of the drops! :)

  • You're probably gonna chart before me cause I literally get no engagement on anything I create lmao

    • The charts are pretty hit or miss for me if I'm being completely honest. I typically don't get that much engagement either. Fingers crossed tho, lol. :)

  • YES

  • I will enable downloads tomorrow morning.

    #SummerOfSingles2K19 will be an entire season of free tracks! ^-^