Quite proud of this one as I have neither watched tutorials about that kind of sound design nor opened as remix tracks with pulv drums.

I initially set as constraint to use as few FX as possible. Chorus, PEq and Reverb are solely applied to the open hh. StereoEnhancer is applied to the open hh and the snare drum. Basically, 1 pulv = 1 percussion instrument. I leave it open as remix for those interested :)

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  • rick drumroll

  • the pulv's noise feature is so underrated! I use it for percussions, sfx and stuff like that! That's how I always do risers etc it's so fun to play around with

    • peepee

    • Agree with you! I guess it's underrated because it's more technical and less userfriendly than 808, 909 and machiniste

  • Very cool,bro

  • this mans really made jungle with a pulv... beat me too it lol

  • Please teach me im begging you

    1 more
  • i gotta try this

  • alright now make a pulv using drums and you'll receive free swag

  • That's really cool!! great project! I've been picking up bits and pieces of how to tweak oscillators to make the sounds I want. This project will certainly be on my to do list<3 Thank you for sharing and great job!!

    • I will certainly ask questions!! there is so much to learn!! and I can get impatient, but I have good organizing skills and the path to progress is a winding one, I have confidence I can navigate...but less confidence in my patience...lol <3

    • Happy you like it :) It is really nice to share together that learning vibe, I am eager to watch your progress! I left the track open to remix, so do not hesitate to have a look at my settings whenever you wish. If you open it, I draw your attention on the knobs in the following components of the pulverisateur: noise, filter and amp envelope, but also oscillators and tuning for the toms, snare & kick. I also used the centroid features. If you have any question, I'll answer with pleasure :)

  • Really like this kind of experiment/constraint

    • Very good and inspiring work

    • Yeah that was a fun - yet tricky - challenge :) I could cope without any FX, but the open hh would be slightly less spicy. Also, similar percussion instruments could be gathered in the same pulv (like the toms), but the timeline would be less userfriendly (right now the timeline roughly works like a machiniste) + there would be a loss of sound if different percussion instruments overlapped in the same pulv's note track / automation region

  • Republished

    Volume and gain increased