Caffeine Quota DosRico 0 about 8 years ago 1 The Summer (Rodrigo Del Canto, DosRico) DosRico Rodrigo Del Canto DosRico Rodrigo Del Canto 360 2 Trying Hard to be Cool DosRico DosRico 230 3 Hoes, Need to be Let Go DosRico ☁DaTermined☁ DosRico ☁DaTermined☁ 235 4 Caffeinated, Carbonated, Refridgerated, Dearly Hated (Feat. Teenage Mutant Rapper) DosRico DosRico 194 5 Madonnix (Rodrigo Del Canto, DosRico) DosRico Rodrigo Del Canto DosRico Rodrigo Del Canto 170 6 (TITLE) DosRico DosRico 144