This is the last Track on C H I P C R A F T:

A Collab with this awesome dude named Faux!

He is amazing and did tons of work on this!

Also the way we work really goes well together!

I hope you enjoy this!

A word from Faux

So after taking a break from this track for a month and a half (sorry arin) arin told me it was gonna be released in a day and I had to add anything in that I wanted to. So what do! One day left to edit a track I cant do that shit. Then the idea came to me, the last bit. The theme of this album is chipcraft which involves bits and shit, bits are incredibly basic and orderly. When you listen to the begginning of the track everything is advanced and jumpy, the instruments bounce around and act lifelike, but as the track comes to a close they are reduced down to a simple orderly pattern. Thanks for tuning in, and thank you Aringrey for letting me work on this track and a huge apology for dissapearing from it from a month, love you all <3.


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  • It is the Last Track, but there are more coming.

    Its just for the order.

    There is gonna be drum and bit for sure, dude.

  • so there is 7 tracks for the album what happened to drum and bit