thnxs Mr_Sinister

a new breed is comming in great numbers so first they gather
hardstyle track in the style from f#ck
so you know its hard so please tread me that way and let me bang out of the speakers
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0 -
0 Amazing!!
0 thnxs outkazt
0 good
0 thnxs axwell
0 thnxs apocalypse
0 Im downloading this so i can listen to it anywhere. I had to comment again, sorry but this track is amazing.
0 check men profiel nogis,
ik heb enkele oude liedjes in een nieuw jasje gestoken ;D
0 he thnxs cripta
0 bum bum the slope freq work :)
0 thnxs eugins
0 thnxs comatoast
0 ceck je mijn nieuwe;
0 Amazing work, this track is badass :)
0 @VELCRO thank you for that