


here's a badly mixed 8 bar vaporwave loop to celebrate

not at tho sry

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  • *Reports song for violence/sexual harassment of sarcasm*

  • Not made on AT? Get reported skrub. Heh, sure showed you

  • lol why didn't it include the first kick when I exported this

  • lol if you can't tell if im being sarcastic, them I probably am

  • yeeee report button is coolio

  • lmaaaooo

  • doesn't understand how this is so popular* 0_0

  • im reporting u for sexuall harrasment boi...

    see ya in jail bitch

  • lmao ur not the only one here

  • I love the sound of this synthesizer ... especially the final part when the cutoff frequency opens ;)

  • @Polyspace cant sense if sarcasm or not... but because its sick and up until now no one cared

    and @dove yeah that makes sense.

  • the devs have been pretty lenient in the past about copyright though, the only issue i've ever had was when they had me take copyrighted vocals out of a song but they still warned me first and gave me time to comply

  • but still, the devs would NEVER put in a system where you can just report something and it's taken down instantly

  • "and what happens if some one reports a song that doesnt infringe upon anything? these questions need answers..."

    well then the devs wouldn't take it down obviously @Caleb Nathan

    the whole bootlegs thing doesn't sit well with me either tho, i've got a few on my account that are subject to being taken down