its so hard to see you happier now





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  • Republished

    reworked for EP

  • the intro to this track has such a powerful feeling, like I can almost feel the struggle and pain through the chords and crunchy drums which is what I think you were going for. And because of that it honestly hurts a little to say that when it finally gets to 1:36 I was honestly a bit underwhelmed by how thin the saws felt. I think the idea here is really solid and consider me a fan, but I think it needs further polishing in the drop areas.

    • hey thanks for the kind words man! im republishing this later today as part of my ep. ill definitely take this feedback into account :)

  • Wow astrel

    Just wow

  • Powerful mix!

  • Love everything about this! For some reason I'm reminded of another song in the intro. But I can't put my finger on it! Either way, I love this song!

  • It's delicious, gotta say. Love those chords and the saws in the drop especially.

  • Hey, I made a remix to this, maybe you'll like it.

  • woooow!!!

    love those chords! :DDD Great work man! :DDD

  • ir really does feel like you lived a life time when listening to this

  • Niiiice

  • got damn that first chord hits

  • Thicc

  • balls