some shit that couldve been finished or made better.

i'll hve more throwaways , ..i got plenty fucking more drafts i havent touched.

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  • Bro can we collaborate. I would love to collaborate with you based on how well you mix your music. Please get back at me.

    • damn brother. how much is that? and is it hard to use?

    • If you have ableton then yea , we can.

    • I’m currently not on audiotool anymore.

  • that last one got me

  • third one <3

  • how did I not love this the first time

  • Im about to extend that first one

  • cant get over that last one

  • noice noice

  • You have the most unique sound on AT

  • ayy nice job on charting! :D

  • Really love the intro, then it went sideways for me. ( much too much derivative of early house from London)

    • Much too much?, you mean the one track that’s chicago house that came out way before londoners put their hands on it?

      But thanks for the crit

  • great mix of sounds and textures! hard to pick a favourite part