But....But...Its so pretty....
I got done this a lot sooner than expected, but here it is! My latest drumstep track (Using an entirely new Track Format and Bass!)
"Sky Shine", The Polar opposite of "Dark Shine" and the light half of the Shining Core.
Its the one we've all been waiting for!!! THE ULTIMATE DUBSTEP TRACK!..."Prime 4"
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0 My other tracks usually have a serious, exciting, epic, and/or dramatically emotional tone.
0 It's overall tone is just too light-hearted. I rarely ever make a track seem this "happy"... :/
0 What I would give to have a track like this. All of my tracks are horrible...
0 its good to me.
0 Really?! Wow
0 This is actually one my least favorite tracks =/
0 Wow, this is the first song on Audiotool that made random lyrics come to mind....Now to go back and write them down...
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0 "When We Reach Our Core, We Shall Find a New Pathway Amongst the Stars..." ;)
0 A 3rd Will Come...
0 like this its like um I guess melodic dubstep If there is such a thing A follow well deserved =)
0 Absolutely freaking awesome!!!
0 Very nice man i listened to this earlier also as i was cleaning up my area to work on music and anyways bro i love it you may need to lower some of your volumes its clipping alot but other then that this is amazing man
0 nice job, very cool :)