This really sounds great with headphones

This is probably my personal favourite in the Sequence series. I really enjoyed making this one.
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0 This is the deep house i like, great great track m8!
0 Personall is the obsolete form of personal..
so it WAS a word..
2 I love personall favorites!
0 dat bass.
0 lovely , very rich sounding!
0 Nice and deep man. but with some honey. Like a beehive. What am I even talking about? I don't know.
0 Nice notes at 2:30 . To me, dark is the opposite of cheesy. I like.
0 great one! darker than usual. ilike
4 Then turn down the volume.
0 Love that smooth and good beat!
0 bumbaaa
0 I_I i love it
0 This is amazing. I love those little taps that come in at 3:35 , and the sub is amazing in this as well.