
Sijil is awesome thats all you need to know.
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0 -
1 I imagine a compilation of He-Man going around shagging toasters... is it just me?
4 I imagine spiderman in an intense chase scene. I don't even know why.
0 Cool, guys!!!!
0 Increíble!
La canción me parece rara pero a la vez muy buena.
0 hue
0 furst he found a scorpion illistration on the internet and uploaded it to i piccy
than he chose the ethothentric font and typed"Scorpion Sting"
than he went to textures and aplied a light leak
than he added a grunge texture and done
0 lel
0 -prepare keychain going to ramble about how sanfear created the cover-
0 fergot
1 sam pls
0 ;) sneak peak on our next we gona get groovy
0 well this was fun tho hue
0 i almost named it scorpion string tho
0 thanks guys but sijil did most of the work