My first actual track. Probably sounds terrible, but I kind of like it, so whatever I guess. Any feedback (constructive! dont be an asshole!) would be greatly appreciated as I would really like to learn as much as I can about using audiotool.
for your first track, this is absolutely epicness!
and i suck at feedback so im just gonna say i really love how simple but pleasing it sounds, sounds like music i'd listen to while i'm painting n stuff :>
thank you so much for listening! i didnt want to overwhelm myself trying to use a bunch of stuff (plus my computer is old af). if you decide to remix it, that would be so super cool! but anyway yeah thanks for listening and commenting :)
played with the synths, added gated reverb to drums, sidechain compression with synth and bass drum, next to mess around and find that synthy bass sound (if anyone's got advice on this, please do share, want to learn how to use everything, and not just relying on samples and presets)