So like, are you a member of Chainsmokers but incognito on AT?

By FAR my best track, no question.
Samplepocalypse is a bit meh but the AT piano samples are useful if you can cut+pitch them by the way
Enjoy and feel free to remix
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1 -
0 amazing sound dude! at points it sounds like you have an orchestra here :)
2 whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa infy faved this
0 Just going to slip in a little remix. Nothing special.
0 This is a masterpiece.
0 I like this. but tbh i don't really like the lead.
2 dropped a cheeky fave
0 So much negativity in the comments. I love the lead in the drop bit. Percussion is nice too.
8 i'd follow you but you spam everyone. just let people find your stuff on their own
9 here's your crit, read my fucking wall and don't spam. enjoy your mute
0 I see the tag bass but where is the bass in the track
1 i dont know about your best track but its nice!
1 yay i charted
1 whoa wtf this is b e a y t