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  • Very edgy vibe but so interesting!

  • i really like this one. especially the first minute.. very cool atmosphere

  • thank you horsy and @portion . ok, as a resume, thank you Mark :)))

  • Love the sub and that perc break. Also that talking bass. Great track man!

  • yeah man. Thats really energetic and trippy in one

  • thanks a lot guys! @https :// yeah i was not sure about this crushed thing... My wife made the judgment , so I removed it :).

    @https :// tks buddy. Yes i struggle to make the kick clear and bright into this track that contains a lot of low , mid/low sections...still on it ;)

    @https :// thank you man !

  • Really interesting synths :D

    I feel like the crushed blips could use a little less or no reverb though. Maybe it's because the other percussion is based off of real pieces of a kit. I dunno, it just sounded a little out of place.

  • Listening with my good headphones now. Is it possible that the kick is clipping a little? But again very amazed by the synths man. Great job ...

  • Yup very nice one mate. I really love the drums. Nice retro sounding synths as well. Nice to hear something from ya again.

  • 0:27 yeah!

    0:59 WoW!

    1:40 That acid distorted sound, I love

    Incredible diversity of sounds
