Fried Sarlac was his true favorite but he was so fond of broiled Gungan sprinkled with Gamorian wing scales and Fried Wookie hair soup and Bantha fodder on the side. It's so unfortunate that Luke will never know that about his father.
If you have not heard "the conflict between father and son" then listen to it first and then this and wear headphones.
WOOOOOOOW!!! This is so abstract! Star Wars!! :D It's really interestingly done... and I like the suttle use of the theme at the end. :) This is really cool work! Never seen anything done like it before on audiotool.
I like that its long :) that makes it epic sure you might not want to sit at the computer right away and listen to things this long BUT this is absolutely perfect for when you go for a bike ride or walk the dog and you wonder off in the world of thought and daydreams and don't want it to end because its a good escape from reality .. this song is perfect for that that's why it was downloaded :) its pretty sad though that i have to Go to my own thoughts to escape reality heheheheh