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  • my poor headset

  • you put no effort into this right???

  • I'm not entirely sure what this is

    3 more
  • This charted?


  • 666 plays

    the demons are coming

  • damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

  • I don't understand why a 59 sec snippet charted but okay

    • client you mean momos momo type beat

    • Yes that is true

    • Oh, you missed the days of the 20 second charts my guy- Short and catchy is the ~wave~

    6 more
  • this whole thing feels hella flat

    1 more
  • quantam

    • i would love to know what that means but like - je suis stupid

    • Actually most of the effects down there are for Vowel creation, and OTT replica.

      The mastering happens on the last curve on each device

    • but there are literyaly like 1000 synths just for mastering and like I'm jealous but also scared

    4 more
  • Republished

    Changed Waveformat of Growl 1

  • I'll have more to say prolly when I listen to this through headphones, but rn Imma just say...

    0:16 this bass is real good.

    • I added some mini growls on the second part of the drop lol

    • Also, the headphones may be your problem too. You probably should buy better ones, but that's your preference.

    2 more
  • I've wanted to remix this but I don't like the workspace so I'm not gonna try lol

  • not as sexy as you

  • I was going to try and remix this.

    Turns out my computer can't even open the file. :/

    • 0:44 sounds like that one growl bass in looplabs LOL

    • Yeah lol. They said they won't be fixing it until after COVID-19 lmao But also I have an INSANE cyberpunk bass that I worked on before I left as well as a soundtrack and I'm thinkin of making a whole soundtrack. It's hard because there aren't really any good non-synth instruments, but it's easier on here than looplabs.

    • let me guess, your here because looplabs is down.