Bass Music Charts, Week #20 / 2020 prev next KIB / GSP / LDN - RE!DYRECTOR Kibbey1trillionMPHleadenshrew 1 Bass Music 0:04:00 217 4775 2020-04-28 Favorite Share Remix pixus decay - Come Alive. 1aerispixus decay 2 Bass Music pixus decaycome alive.a lovely summer.agift4z 0:06:38 182 2556 2020-04-17 Favorite Share This is Garbage Client 3 Bass Music 0:00:59 78 1582 2020-04-16 Favorite Share Remix ROPES VIZUAL 4 Bass Music weirdbassvizualbass housejoyryde 0:01:03 153 2587 2020-04-30 Favorite Share Remix BARBELL LEGHAIR VIZUAL 5 Bass Music weirdfilthyhoufirstbassfidget house 0:01:03 61 716 2020-04-28 Favorite Share Remix UNORTHODOX VIZUAL 6 Bass Music weirdwtftrapbassbass house 0:01:37 78 1101 2020-04-29 Favorite Share Remix FILTH [oflipv] ofvmusic 7 Bass Music filthy8-bitanweriddimim aeros 0:02:15 105 1353 2020-04-08 Favorite Share ENGINES VIZUAL 8 Bass Music bassbass house 0:01:15 62 551 2020-05-04 Favorite Share Remix Uprooted Audio - Birth Of the Coalition viruxGrawlixBioL!nkSIRENPerditionUprooted Audio 9 Bass Music dubstepgrawlixjoveecoalition epriddimbiolinksniovirus machineproject epsilonsirenperditionuprooted audio 0:03:50 67 613 2020-04-23 Favorite Share Remix