(In-game Dialogue)

Emerald (Tired): Is that good enough for now?

BF: Bop ba bop sk beep pip bop bip!

Emerald: Huh, you do?

GF: I'd even say the same thing here.

Emerald: Thanks a lot for that!


So, please tell me;

how is life doing on "Earth"?

GF: Well-

[A few minutes later...]

Emerald: It's that bad, huh?

GF: Yep; my own father once tried to get rid of BF after he beat him a few years back.

Emerald: Talk about some major family drama.

GF: Huh?

Emerald: Well, as a medic, what I would do is rush into the action whenever someone is in distress.

But there is more to being one than meets the eye.

*Should I tell them about that, and about my goals?*

*Well, I don't want to lie about it, so here goes nothing..."

As you know, being a medic means you get to treat a victim's wounds physically,

but during that time is when they try to calm them down to prevent any further injuries when being rushed to a hospital.

Other times in which you will need to treat other's wounds if one is not in reach via phone, or any other communications device.

GF: And what happens after that?

Emerald: If you have a transportation vehicle available, you need to carefully put them in a safe area and rush to the emergency room with them at a nearby hospital.

I don't want to mention what will happen if you got lost and hurt with almost no way to get back, but that's where those like me come into play.

GF: That certainly is interesting, and what about those who are like you?

Emerald: Well, despite me being a Protogen, there are more of those who have the same goal as me,

and it's already happening on your planet.

BF: Pap bee brrt brrt breep skdoo bee ska bep skrrt bee bip brep beep ska bo bee skrrt skdaa?

Emerald: Sure thing; I can spare some extra time with you.

*Okay, I might be getting a hang of what BF is saying;

but what will happen if I'm called into duty while doing this?*

(Music starts)


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