Recent Listeners BlackMIDI 112 Followers fan of robloxbe goodget some restand get calm!meditate! ~ ⋌ΛZURΞ SQUΛD⋋ 171 Followers audreeclarissataj BOOKSHPAN 87 Followers trapnewbiesoundtrackmidilo-fi BlackMIDI 112 Followers fan of robloxbe goodget some restand get calm!meditate! Izzy Rose 100 Followers follows backerick da silvalorecadyaydree TheBadQueen[ J.W.R] : ( 121 Followers juiceup [j.w.r][w.s.s.] choppa boy ❤️King Tremar❤️ 99 Followers follow.thembebe23✨god✨king hiiiiiiiinovelli101