this is a shout to my wished to be mother in law and to my i hope to still be loving baby and i hope he loves me as much as he did @(TNS)Ark angleNokei

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  • the words are so deep. :,(. and my name is Noah X(

  • man i can feel it, sorry about that im listening to this again, i only heard it once, but now that i think about it, once u get all the equipment im sure everything will be hella fire. I am super sorry, i shoulda heard this more than once, and plus i was listening to it without headphones, but now i got em, and this is sad. This thing should chart, like serious, but i can feel it, i know wut ur going thru but keep on fighting

  • You are a AWESOME RAPPER no cap[

  • this is good, i think imma start doing wut u just did. But wen u rap, just flow wit it, cuz it kinda sounds like ur hesitating and rushing some of ur lines. Just bob and weave with the beat, other than that keep up the good work, u got this girl. Stay focus on ur purpose rather than living up to peoples expectations. People will always disappoint you, but just stay true to yourself and everything will be alright. And im sorry about ur loss

    • no it was jsut bc i had to chop up the track to put it on here i do flow when i rap and thx for the advice

  • turn the volume up on the beat

    21 more
  • i did

  • Republished
