Hello, fellow Audiotool users! It's that time of year again - the second annual Audiotool Awards are here! We're excited to see both new and established artists in our community continue to grow and thrive. In celebration of all that this community has achieved, we're recognizing some of the most creative, hardworking, and fun members with these awards. Head over to the board post >
Audiotool Awards 2022
< to check out the full description of the voting categories and criteria
Voting is now open! You can access the google polls page linked below to submit your choices. The categories are
I joined this past year and just wanted to say that this community has been so kind and awesome to me. I know we're all just strangers on the internet but the feedback has been so uplifting, in so many ways. Jetdarc's injury was such a terrible thing but it brought so many creators together in such an incredible way. Audiotool has allowed me to make music in a way that I never thought was possible before- and all for free! Thank you so much to everyone, especially the Audiotool team. #AT22