This song is about progressing in life and all its endeavors rather than getting caught up into a boring schedule and not doing anything to improve upon and repeating same mistakes over and over again. My friends, improve on your lives and do something with them. Progress.

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  • thanks zone!

  • I really like the downtempo, chilled synth and added piano, you make some really interesting melodies/compositions. Im not a big fan of the drums though. From 2:33 to 3:00 the drums are really nice and leveled. As a personal prefference i think they draw too much attention away from the synths. But everything else, as it is, is top quality.

    Its just a personal prefference i guess, since im an ambient/downtempo geek... haha :)

  • I kind of agree thank you all for your comments :)

  • but only imho, i wish this song starts on 0.45 , personal preferences

  • I'm with Tornsage, i dig this composition and melody. Sounds well balanced: powerful but chill. And that piano sounds so good, and those drums..great choice!

  • Really nice man!

  • Very nice.

  • nice feeling here dei - i really like the melody and composition :)