Just trying a few synth combos :)

Tell me what you think!

Chords are pretty succulent tbh.

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  • could i get some tips on this

  • Love It

  • Nice chords boi

  • what preset is that bass omg gotta fav XD

  • sounds cool on shitty laptop speakers XD

  • *^*

  • needs sidechain mang

  • hi arrested lake lol

  • Our collab account has not been produicing :(

  • 1 day ... 19 faves :O

  • Hey dudes, I'm 20/20. Following 20 people and being followed by 20. Ain't it odd?

    (feel free to follow me anyone cause I'll follow you back though I might not always listen to your songs on time because I might be busy but even then I listen to them eventually or if you don't follow me please just listen to my song although some of them are not as good as the could be so I'll improve them if you comment I'm not desperate or anything.)

  • that grimy bass is makin me horny

  • Whoops, my brother smacked his head of my keyboard

  • @Derrenno "One of the synths is mega screwed up bro"


    Probably me XD