love it!

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0 -
0 Wow this is sweet man, great take on the original man!!!! :D
0 awesome sauce :D
0 Love the build.
0 Nice one !
0 thanks friends!!
0 osm bass and melody
0 great bru, sounds more like any kind of marine animal now ;)
geiler beat !
0 for me...remix beat the original 3 - 0 :)
0 i was reading my facebook then bang black stone share a link i was like wht..i thought i leave in here i nearly miss that outch the police car look recent 1989-90... that was the last time i see one of does ....
0 how you turn the beat from the original.. wow i'm in love with that really. this kind of produce is immediatly downloaded ;)
0 ol this is impressive.. no more word to describe that..
0 a minimal mix, the old file doesnt fit to my computer